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Women and Men
the Evolution of Relating
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Ah, but somewhere in between action and reaction
there is an interaction,
and that's where all the magic and fun lies, see?
- Tyson Yunkaporta in Sand Talk
Mark Gungor - Men's Brain and Women's Brain
ORDINARY women & men
Uninitiated Women...
Women’s handicap in a patriarchy is conflict with a life-long enemy. The enemy of women raised in a patriarchy is men. The enemy is not a true enemy, but the circumstantial evidence supporting the story that the enemy exists is so pervasive, and the psycho-emotional payoff for being a victim of such an enemy is so big, that recognizing the “enemy” story as false is almost inconceivable. When women look to other women about this issue there is no dissension. Every woman subtly or overtly agrees, men are the unspoken enemy.
The way women relate to men in the patriarchy cannot be neutral or clean because men are perceived as the enemy. Just beneath the surface of her ordinary-looking interactions are each woman’s perfected strategies for how to survive in a patriarchy where women have no overt power. The strategies are as varied as clothing styles. Here are a few standard strategies that women use. Compare them to yours. Women typically:
– Regard men as little boys. Everything you do for men you do with the attitude of being a resentful mother. Either coddle or scold men into doing what you want. When a man does something wrong, punish him by withholding sex or intimacy. Never respect him as an adult.
– Regard men as police. Represent yourself as a “good” housewife or a “good” worker and then behind the men’s backs sneak out and do whatever you really want to do. If you are caught, deny everything, confuse the facts, and cover your tracks by creating a different problem such as attacking the “police” man for the way he speaks to you.
– Regard men as a prize to win. Compete with other women to hypnotize men with your beauty, sexuality, intelligence or charm. Never actually deliver the beauty, sexuality, intelligence or charm to the man. Instead keep it just out of reach so you can dangle your prized man in front of the other women to show off how powerful you are. Keep a couple of other men on the side, in reserve.
– Regard men as stupid animals. Communicate with men through commands; tell them what you want and what they should do about it. Continuously criticize men in public to prove to them they are stupid. Then you never have to take what they say seriously. Being disgusted about men’s brutishness keeps you from feeling the pain of not being in the kind of relationship your heart aches for.
– Regard men as possessions, no different from your car or your house. The man needs maintenance now and then so you take him out to a few places, but since he cannot feel anything and is not really alive anyway, you leave him to take care of himself, including sexually. Use him whenever it suits you.
– Regard men as dangerous and abusive adversaries. Be proactively abusive toward men as a general policy, to make men keep their distance. Your unprovoked spitefulness protects you. Besides, men are the enemy, so expressing aggressions toward men any way that you can is already justified.
– Regard men as rescuers and bank accounts. Play-act being a sweet victim and a sexy partner to your present “Sugar Daddy” so he keeps rescuing you and providing an abundance of cash. After he dies you will have time to be yourself. Through your sacrifice you have earned the right to inherit his money and the power of his name.These are harsh generalizations. If you are a woman, see if you can let your heart rather than your mind digest these descriptions to figure out if any parts of them are true. If you are a man, review your experiences from these new perspectives to see what is accurate or not about these descriptions.
In Ordinary Human Relationships there are two kinds of shit, a masculine form of shit that men do called “Bull Shit,” and a feminine form of shit that women do called “Cow Shit.”
Cow Shit is saying things that are very, very true. For example, when it is nine-thirty on Saturday night and the husband and wife walk up the stairs to be together in their bedroom and the wife says, “I noticed that you walked right by the laundry basket on your way up the stairs. You didn’t even see it. That laundry is all washed, dried, folded and ironed. I did that already. All you had to do was carry the basket up the stairs. Couldn’t you do even that one little thing to help me around the house…?” The problem with Cow Shit is that even though the things that are said are very, very, very true, they are completely irrelevant. A persistent Cow Shit habit can effectively block woman from accessing Archetypal domains with her Man. We will have more to say about cow shit in Being Kill and not Dying below.
Uninitiated men...
Men in a patriarchy do not have to grow up. Men in a patriarchy are not shown how to become authentically powerful by aligning themselves with the forces of evolution. In a patriarchy, men are protected (read that as imprisoned) in their infancy by the same arrogance that the patriarchy uses to protect itself. Even the men holding power positions in the government, the military, religion, education, science, or business (including the entertainment industry and the media) are handicapped with certain immaturities because the patriarchy does not initiate men into their own proper manhood. The patriarchy leaves men as intellectually-educated self-centered little boys with underdeveloped emotions and small-minded visions in adult male bodies.
This is a harsh generalization. If you are a man, see if you can let your heart rather than your mind digest the assessment to figure out if any parts of it are true. If you are a woman, ask yourself if you agree with the assessment or not.
In Ordinary Human Relationships there are two kinds of shit, a masculine form of shit that men do called “Bullshit,” and a feminine form of shit that women do called “Cowshit.”
Bull Shit is saying things that are very, very relevant, like, “Honey, I’ll be home at seven. I will take out the garbage tonight. I will fix that leak this weekend. I will help Johnny improve his algebra grades. I will spend less time at my computer.”
The problem with Bull Shit is that even though the things that are said are very, very relevant, they are just not true. A persistent Bullshit habit can effectively block man from accessing Archetypal domains with his Woman.
“A man gives his heart to the woman who he loves,
but a man gives his soul to his destiny.
If you try to make him choose
you might just end up with
a man who’s not man, can’t you see?”Lyrics by Lee Lozowick,
album: Accused
track: You Don’t Understand
initiated Women...
initiated men...
Formal courtesy between husband and wife is even more important than it is between strangers.
Robert Heinlein, Time Enough For Love
The Story of a Convalescence
Dear Clinton,
This letter might come as a surprise to you. Well, I just felt the urge to send these lines to you and share some of my insights and experiences of the last few months.
But let me start from the beginning (which, looking back, was rather like an end). It was about two years ago. I participated in your training (it must have been my sixth or seventh training), and, maybe you remember, my process was about my stories going on with women and sex. It was my toughest and most persistent and lasting process so far. When after an eternity the training was finally over, it didn’t feel like any “endings” I experienced before. Before, [after a training] there was always this relief, a new vision, a clarity, something got healed. This time I felt like I’d been annihilated. I felt so miserable that I wasn’t even able to drive home. Fortunately another man stayed with me and took over the job of driving the car.
During the next 2-3 months, although still feeling miserable, I did as you suggested: I didn’t connect in any way with women, neither women-friends I knew from before nor the unknown woman at the counter of a shop. No eye contact, nothing! It felt horrible, but I somehow knew that that was the only right thing to do. Somehow, that was the easy part, the logical understandable steps on the way. The difficult, frightening part of it was that this process scattered my whole life-plan, my whole story, a story about me, which I thought so far was true and more or less ok! This identity was gone, completely, only some fragments left here and there. I was in a big despair, in the middle of a nightmare: the old identity didn’t work anymore, most of it wasn’t even there anymore, and besides that, there was just this void. During these months I hated you. I was convinced, that you had made a big mistake, that you had gone too far, that you lost all respect and in a sadistic way enjoyed “killing” me. As a result I decided to never do another training, to look for something nice and gentle. I quit my long-term training program and withdrew from my spiritual path.
So far this was a description of my internal emotional process. What happened on the outside is that I really was not able anymore to live the way I did before. During my process you said: “Mister, the game is over!” I didn’t get it then, but I got it much, much later! The women / sex – game was (and still is) definitely over!
During the 18 months afterwards, it was like a pendulum had swung from one extreme to the opposite extreme. I didn’t have any contact at all in the first few months, then slowly started to meet women once in awhile, but still staying very distanced and cautious. I really began to think that this was going to be my new style of life: the u-turn from the womanizer I used to be into a monk.
Now, in August 2001, things are different again. The pendulum found a balance! I’m in love with a wonderful woman. We met about 9 months ago for the first time, then met maybe every second week in the beginning, both being very cautious and respectful. By now we meet nearly daily, and, this really sounds incredible, since about a week or so we hold hands once in a while. Two years ago this idea of a very slow, gentle approach was just not part of my imagination. It was about going to bed with a woman as fast as possible, and then (maybe) starting to get to know the person.
It’s the complete opposite now. We talk and talk for hours, have wonderful walks in nature, and we just are both so fully nurtured with that. There’s nothing missing! It’s so beautiful. I feel like a 14-year old adolescent, being in love with a girl for the first time.
Only now, looking back, I realize how fucked up in relation to relationship, women, and intimacy I was. I am so grateful that things have changed into such a positive way. And I must admit, it’s thanks to you. You were the midwife of this much saner person I am now! No one else had the courage, the knowledge, the strength and the stubbornness to beat “me” with such a heavy club. With “me” I talk about all my destructive, egoistic, hurting, isolating mechanisms going on. I really feel like I am being healed on a very deep level. Like for the first time I can see what intimacy really means. I’m so grateful and happy you’ve shown up in my life and hit me so hard. It was absolutely necessary, and who knows, without your smack, I would probably still be on this very self-destructive track.
By the way, two months ago I finished my long-term training (with a little delay), I joined another training in spring, and I joined a men’s group again! I am also much closer again to my spiritual path.
I am looking forward to see you again some day. With deepest respect,Archetypal women & men
Archetypal Woman...
... is Everything
This is why women notice every smudge of dirt, every bit of dust, every stain, every wrinkle, every task that is not done, and every little thing that is not working. The experience of seeing so much disharmony, so much disorder and so much work to do causes a deep and abiding rage in the Archetypal Feminine. This rage is like a volcano, immense enough to explode cities. The rage of the Archetypal Feminine is so big that it frightens Ordinary women. Women are not trained in how to apply their rage and how to use rage energy practically, so they cover their rage with fear. It is the fear of how much rage they hold and what might happen if it ever came out. Ordinary women get neurotic about being Everything when they try to choose (out of the Everything) one particular identity to be. Instead of being the richly abundant, diverse, totally connected Earth mother, modern woman frantically flips through the catalog trying to find a singular identity for herself with the right matching outfit, the right hair style, and the right look. Ordinary woman’s neurotic indecision about the one particular thing “to be,” instead of relaxing into being Everything, makes men furious. On the surface Ordinary women appear weak, fearful, delicate, and confused, but just underneath is searing clarity and a roaring furnace. If a woman does not use her Everythingness wisely, then her Everythingness is used to serve unconscious purposes. The unconscious negative manifestation of the feminine is evil. Evil uses the intimate knowledge and all-encompassing experience of the Everything to manipulate and destroy love.
Space Filling ... to Space Dancing
Man sets and holds context like a wall defines the possibility of a garden. Woman fills the context held by Man with the Archetypal “Garden of Woman” in the same way that flowers, fruits and vegetables, stones, waterfalls, fish, trees, pathways, gazebos and benches fill a biological garden. Man is the space holder. Woman is the space filler. Man fixes the leaking faucet, traps mice, kills cockroaches and spiders, keeps the neighbors in line, changes the light bulbs, manages the heater repair man, and keeps the car in good running order. Woman decorates the rooms, creates and maintains the elegance of the sanctuary, chooses the menu, arranges the flowers, heals the children, keeps the cupboards and refrigerator filled with abundance and health, manages the relationships between the helper team, invites the guests to dinner, and fills the space with a never-ending profusion of love and beauty and grace.
Space Dancing
Being Vigilant
A woman can easily misunderstand that her expanded masculinity gives her power over men. The most difficult thing for the woman becoming 10% masculine is to be vigilant about what comes out of her mouth. The feminine mind has access to too many loopholes in reality. The loopholes make it easy to ignore the fact that everything that is said has a purpose, a design for what it intends to create. She does not comprehend the real and immediate consequences of what she says. To make a shift with this you can rigorously focus on the purpose of what you say. Be rigorous about whom you speak with, and especially for what reason. Be rigorous that your purpose is not unconscious evil. The experiment is to be over-vigilant at first. Start off by not saying most things. This is a good way to develop your vigilance. After a couple of months you can start to say a few things that you are sure serve responsible purposes. Without realizing it, one woman in a training was making her husband wrong. The trainer said, “Lady, you are making your husband wrong.” She said, “I am not making my husband wrong. He is wrong. I am just pointing it out to him.” Proving that someone is wrong is not a responsible purpose; it is Low Drama. Learn the difference.
Archetypal Man...
... is Nothing
Not nothing as in worthlessness or emptiness, but Nothing as in the unknown, as in unlimited possibility. The central Nothingness of the Archetypal Masculine is why men’s egos are so thin and fragile. One questionable comment by a woman shatters Ordinary man’s ego, and he frantically tries to reestablish his false self-esteem by flying back in a rage. That reaction is because Nothing is really there. The experience of being Nothing is terrifying for Ordinary men who are not trained in how to powerfully use their Nothingness. Ordinary men hate being Nothing and neurotically try to be something. This is why men are attracted to anything that can give them an identity, like a wall full of university degrees, being publicized in the media for wild escapades, or trying to compete and be “the winner.”
Men’s Ordinary neurotic attempts to try to be something, anything, instead of relaxing powerfully into being Nothing makes women furious. Being afraid of anything makes Ordinary men angry. Men hide their fear of Nothingness with a cover of Box-defending anger, but underneath their anger is terror about being Nothing. If a man does not use his Nothingness wisely, then his Nothingness is used to serve unconscious purposes. The unconscious negative manifestation of the masculine is stupid aggression that destroys love. (Women, if you ever thought that men are stupid and aggressive, you were right.)
Looking into the Void
The Nothing at the center of Archetypal Man is the Archetypal Void, the great emptiness out of which everything was created. The real use of Man’s Nothingness is for creating what has never been created before, for staying unhookable, for revealing clarity, and for holding a particular space as the framework out of which Archetypal Relationship can unfold. Archetypal Man is the space holder in relationship, just like a zero is a space holder in mathematics. The zero is the place in a number where presently there is nothing but could be anything. In particular, Archetypal Man is the space holder for Bright Principles, for Stellated Archetypes, and for a dynamic evolving relationship with the Archetypal Feminine.
Space Holding ... to Space Dancing
Man sets and holds context like a wall defines the possibility of a garden. Woman fills the context held by Man with the Archetypal “Garden of Woman” in the same way that flowers, fruits and vegetables, stones, waterfalls, fish, trees, pathways, gazebos and benches fill a biological garden. Man is the space holder. Woman is the space filler. Man fixes the leaking faucet, traps mice, kills cockroaches and spiders, keeps the neighbors in line, changes the light bulbs, manages the heater repair man, and keeps the car in good running order. Woman decorates the rooms, creates and maintains the elegance of the sanctuary, chooses the menu, arranges the flowers, heals the children, keeps the cupboards and refrigerator filled with abundance and health, manages the relationships between the helper team, invites the guests to dinner, and fills the space with a never-ending profusion of love and beauty and grace.
Space Dancing
Being the Gardener
In addition to holding space for the Garden of Woman, Archetypal Man also is responsible for being the Gardener.
For modern men, being the Gardener for the Archetypal Feminine looks more like walking into a spinning propeller blade. Modern men have been civilized. We are nice, polite, sensitive new age guys. Our mother still has our balls. Being the Gardner requires something very different from the masculine qualities given to us by modern culture. Being the Gardener requires ongoing use of anger for the precise sword-work of distinguishing clarifications and indefatigably setting and holding boundaries.
The Garden needs to be trimmed. Left untrimmed, a well-nurtured Garden takes little time to grow all over itself and become a tangled mess. The grass needs mowing. Hedges and trees need pruning. Old structures need to be destroyed and taken away. The earth needs to be turned over, and new things planted. The ground must be raked up fresh, with old leaves and dead branches removed for burning or composting. This is rough work, serious work, sometimes abrupt and painful work. Things look different after the Gardener has been there.
When the Gardener shows up with shears, cutters, saw, wheelbarrow, shovel and lawnmower it naturally raises the fearful wrath of the Archetypal Feminine. She has worked so hard to grow into and fill up the space that she forgets how good it feels when the Garden grows back fresh and even more beautifully, after skilled pruning. If the Gardener cannot face Archetypal Feminine wrath with a professional, unhookable demeanor, he will not be able to keep his job.
Stay brave, Men. When you open the closet door and thirty shoeboxes fall on your head, it is time to “trim the Garden.” When there is no more room for coats, do not build new hangers. Get rid of coats. When every shelf and flat open space is filled with knick-knacks it is not time to build more shelves; it is time to rent a dumpster. When the monthly bills exceed your paycheck, immediate serious Gardening is in order. Serious Gardening sustains the health of the Garden. It is up to Archetypal Man to do a good job.Being Bigger
Archetypal Man lives in the question, “What is bigger? Nothing? Or Everything?” This is a strange question, seeming to be theoretical, almost philosophical – not a question for which you would expect to have much of a provable answer.
But for Archetypal Man the answer is precise and immediate; the answer is experiential and not an idea. And the answer is of the utmost importance. For the question, “What is bigger? Nothing or Everything?” it is tacitly and continuously obvious that Nothing is bigger.
If Nothing were not bigger there would be no place for Everything!
This is why Archetypal Man can hold space for Archetypal Woman. No matter what concoction Woman comes up with, Archetypal Man can relax and look her straight in the eyes knowing, “I am bigger than that.” Sometimes the most challenging thing that Woman comes up with is praise, admiration, love, respect, joy, happiness, hope, and wanting to be only nearer. Man can receive even a holy flood of joyous love when he realizes, “That too. I am bigger than that. I can be annihilated in love and still function.”
The Importance Of Getting Killed And Not Dying
Because the feminine is aware of everything not working and everything not done, it can be that a woman comes to bed with a quiver full of very sharp arrows. She may be unable to sleep until her quiver is empty. She looks around for what to do with the arrows. There, in the bedroom, is a handy target: you. The man.
Twang-thunk! the first arrow flies and finds its mark in your heart: “The car needs new tires, the phone bill is due, Mary needs new shoes, and we don’t even have enough money in the bank to cover the rent. Why can’t you get a job that brings us more money?”
Twang-thunk! the next arrow flies: “You spend so much time working and when you come home you still think about work. You even go on the computer late at night to do emails! You call this a relationship?”
Twang-thunk! “Your mother keeps calling and complaining about not being able to sleep because her neighbor’s dog barks all night long. Her legs keep hurting. Don’t you have the kindness to do something about that?”
Twang-thunk! “Jane Smith stole my recipe for brownies and made them for the whole exercise club, and then she took all the credit! She flirts outright with the teacher and it is so disgusting. She has her hands all over his body. When I ask the teacher a question Jane comes right over and interrupts with something totally meaningless and he helps her instead of me!”
Twang-thunk! “Your kids were fighting this afternoon – again! I can’t stand it! I don’t know what to do anymore. I am ready to give up. You are not here to help me and sometimes I just start screaming at them.”
Twang-thunk! “How many times do I need to tell you that I do not like you to touch me there until I am ready? You never listen to me!”
By the time her quiver is empty, she is feeling quite fine. If you are an Ordinary man, then by the time her quiver is half empty you are feeling quite dead. Cow Shit is like that. Undeniably true. Razor sharp. Totally accurate. And, if you listen to it, you get killed. On the other hand, if you don’t listen to it, if you harden your defenses, argue back, give reasons and excuses, dodge the issue, and try to change the subject to, say, “What a fine evening it is,” or, “My dear, your eyes are sparkling tonight,” or, “What about a little back massage, hmmm?” she refills the quiver and keeps going. She wants you to listen, to be soft and tenderized, and to still be alive and ready for action. But if you listen in your usual way, thinking that you have to do something about what she says, then the thing in you that was interested in action dies.
We have come to an interesting question:
How can you be killed and not die?
The answer comes from the Archetypal: Archetypal Man is Nothing.
This means there is Nothing to be killed. Nothing to get offended. Nothing to react. Nothing to figure out. If the Man listens as “a space,” he can make contact, feel compassion and still not be hooked. Then, when the woman stops speaking, it only takes about three seconds for every echo of her voice to fade out of the room. All that was said has gone into the past – true, it is only three seconds in the past – but it is still in the past, and therefore it has become completely powerless because something in the past has no power in the present. Nothing of what was spoken remains unless the Man holds the words in his mind as reactive conclusions, or in his heart as emotional resentments. Don’t do that. If the Man lets only the Nothing remain then he has just discovered how to be killed and not die. This is your homework assignment. Practice being killed and not dying. Listen to more than can be listened to. Listen to more than you can understand. Complete the communication, and let your Nothingness hold space for Everything, so that no matter what an arrow hits, you are not that.
As Nothing you then remain alive and well for doing Edge Experiments in intimacy.
Possibility Management New Zealand (Aotearoa)
The question was posed: What happens when Archetypal Nothing meets Archetypal Everything?
Where are men and women actually at? Where is our X on the map in collaborating as Initiated Men and Women? Having survived thus far through patriarchy and whilst in a time of huge cultural, biological, ecological, environmental, political and societal shifts, there is a burning necessity to leave patriarchy and emerge into a new story of what it means to be Men and Women.
The charges of a magnet create a field by holding the charges away from each other. What happens when you take Women, as Archetypally Everything, and Men, as Archetypally Nothing, and turn them first away from each other, for each to figure out what becoming Archetypally Everything and Archetypally Nothing actually means, then bring them together? What does that look like right now? In reality, not as a fantasy.
The following two pieces of writing emerged as an experiment to share what happened during two parallel 5-day Possibility Labs; a Men’s Lab and a Women’s Lab, including the perspective of all 31 people present. These are multi-dimensional communications, layered with the voices of everyone who placed their attention on putting almost incomprehensible experiences into words that could reach the 5-bodies of anyone who reads them. Millicent Haughey held space for the Women’s writing, Tristan Girdwood for the Men’s.
A warning for you, the reader! This writing comes from an entirely different context than the one you grew up in, and there may be many parts that make no sense to you, and parts that bring up uncomfortable feelings for you such as fear, anger, sadness or even joy! The invitation is to read with an open mind, to take care about not making any assumptions or conclusions about anything that you read, and to let it land in parts of you that need to hear this. It might be that there are parts of you starving to be noticed and tended to, or woken up, that this writing speaks to. If that happens, then you will know you
are not alone with that.
With Love, Tristan and Millicent.
Hints about the Feminine and Masculine
No Solution to the Differences
Men and women, stupid and evil, the fly and the spider. Between the fly and the spider there is no contest. You have just discovered the reason for the patriarchy. We will never solve the differences between men and women. We are not supposed to. These differences are the most precious ingredients for consistently creating ecstasy.
The Need for Relationship Cultures
A practical challenge these days is for Archetypal Man and Woman to establish relationship cultures that are independent of the dominant Western patriarchal culture. Men in Archetypal Men’s culture would be encouraged to hold space for his Extraordinary Relationship and for his Archetypal Relationship. His ability to pay finer and more disciplined attention would feed his hungry senses in experiential reality, and his increased ability to be Nothing, and still create, would provide him with a livelihood outside of stifling hierarchies. Archetypal Woman would be encouraged to make use of her vast resources of perception and intuition to heal her competitive regard for other women, and build a women’s culture that is rich and dynamic enough to be more interesting than a Macy’s catalog. (Think how solidly women’s unconsciously spent Archetypal Feminine resources support the patriarchy. Think how quickly patriarchal structures would crumble if they were suddenly unsupported by the time, energy and money of a majority of women. When women behave like unconscious predictable consumers is it any wonder they are milked like cows?)
By doing their Extraordinary-Archetypal double space-holding Man could sustain an Archetypal Relationship context even while living in Ordinary Western culture with his Extraordinary Relationship. He would not have to retreat to some cave or monastery to do Archetypal Relationship experiments. Through relying on the coaching and support of his actively experimenting fellows, a man’s intimacy Edgework Experiments could turn out to be more interesting than football, films and fast cars.
By reclaiming true sisterhood Woman could rejuvenate her Archetypal abilities to heal, teach, and lead groups of people through steps in their own personal development. Her ministrations would reach beyond the defined borders of Western cultures to connect with Archetypal Women in cultures around the world. The sharing would be reciprocal and through sane and practical exchanges Western culture would evolve towards sustainability.
Holding double space as a Man, and embodying matriarchal realities as a Woman would not happen by force but rather as a result of clarity. Clarity is a higher technology than making forceful boundaries – uses less energy, creates more sustainable results. Through clearly observing what is really going on in Western culture as viewed from the Archetypal perspective, changes in behavior and relationship would result.
The first step of both men and women is to observe our cultural distortions from the perspective of Archetypal Relationship rather than looking at Archetypal Relationship from the Ordinary perspective of our cultural distortions.
About Big Things and Little Things
Men like one big thing.
Women like a lot of little things.
The examples that follow are gross generalizations, but they indicate an underlying pattern: Men can find complete satisfaction with a mobile phone, a nice computer and their Mercedes. Women might find those items completely unfulfilling and are far more satisfied shopping for cupboards full of kitchen appliances, a house decorated with curtains and wallpaper, and vacations to interesting parts of the world.
The point is that these preferences are Archetypal, not neurotic, and can be relied on as a rich source of pleasure, sharing and appreciation. To make Archetypal use of the contrast in preferences, learn a different way to relate to them.
Men like one big thing and it is not a problem because men can learn to wait a long time before they get their one big thing. (In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this “one big thing – many little things” metaphor relates especially well to sexuality and foreplay. Now read the last sentence again.) In the meantime, a man can dearly long for his one big thing and that longing can itself become physically ecstatic. If a man gets his one big thing his ecstasy of longing is instantly replaced by a deadness. (In fact a French phrase for orgasm is “la petite mort” or “the little death.”)
In contrast to men, women like a lot of little things.
Ordinary Woman focuses on hoping to receive a lot of little things. When she does not get them she generates the viewpoint that she is a victim with a good excuse to feed her hungry Gremlin with revenge against that one whom she expected should have given her the many little things. Archetypal Woman focuses on giving a lot of little things instead of receiving a lot of little things. In the course of delivering a lot of little things (caresses, truths, kisses, sounds, giggles, jokes, nips) there are still a lot of little things happening for the delight of the woman. Giving can be even better than receiving, especially if the man’s experience of the many little things is ecstatically intensified by his longing for his one big thing.
Rather than trying to solve the apparent conflicts between men and women, consider learning French: Vive la différence!
The 10% and 90% Solutions
Women enter Archetypal domains through becoming 10% masculine, such as through learning to simply take action rather than discussing all the details first, answering questions with clear yes or no decisions, making boundaries easefully and without hesitation, asking for what she needs, not giving her center away and being adaptively nice, staying unhookable, and so on.
Men enter Archetypal domains through becoming 90% feminine, such as through setting aside fear-based domination and instead seeking understanding and relationship, learning to be open and receptive instead of automatically competitive, enrobing communications in acceptance, appreciation, flexibility, and sensuality instead of the cold, hard facts, being in contact when an internal struggle arises instead of withdrawing, and so on.
Of the two prerequisites it is more difficult for a woman to become 10% Man than it is for a man to become 90% Woman.
Why? It could be that it is easier to make Everything (Sometime) out of Nothing than to make Nothing out of Everything
Same Time and Same Place
Archetypal Relationship ongoing 5-Body Intimacy Negotiations.
Intimacy has two dimensions: to be in the same time together, and to be in the same place together.
Being in the same time as your partner implies a mutual, although perhaps unspoken, agreement as to how “big” the time of now is. Does intimacy include stories from years past, days past, or only seconds past? Does intimacy include fantasies of possible futures? Does intimacy include television, newspaper, gossip, or alcohol?
Being in the same place together means presence. When you are together who or what is present there? Does intimacy include other friends, relatives, work colleagues, old partners? None of these qualifiers about time and place are right or wrong. But if there is conscious or unconscious disagreement about the time or place aspects of intimacy, then probably intimacy itself will be seldom experienced.
Being in the same time also means being in the same speed through time together. The Masculine and Feminine have different relationships to the speed of time, for example, how long is a “while” in the hardware store vs. how long is a “while” in bed together on Sunday morning. The ratio between doing and being influences how fast time goes by in a particular space.Being in the same place together means contact. Contact means seeing into the other person. Seeing into one another means caring enough to perceive the inner workings of the other with acceptance (without judgment, without being offended) and having the courage to honestly reveal yourself to your partner so they can see into you without you being afraid of attack or betrayal. It tends to be far more difficult for the Man to let himself be seen, because he is Nothing. Imagine in our culture what it must be like for a man to be Nothing, compared to the Feminine – who could share forever and never scratch the surface of all there is to share about –because she is Everything.
When the Masculine and Feminine are sharing, Archetypal Woman takes care to avoid filling up all the time and space with her sharing. Otherwise, she will think that her Man does not share, when in fact it is only a result of her filling up all the available sharing space.
There is no room for the Man to share!
Woman learns to wait silently for her Man to share, and appreciates what he does share, knowing that in sharing he takes a huge risk.Being and Doing
Human men are focused on fixing problems and want to know what to do in order to be in Archetypal Relationship.
Archetypal Woman knows that there is nothing to do in order to be in Archetypal Relationship.
Being requires no doing.
Archetypal Woman demonstrates to her Man that he already has the Nothing required to be in Archetypal Relationship.
He does not have to do anything or go anywhere to come up with Nothing.
This can be extremely difficult for men to understand and come to trust.
If a woman finds it difficult to believe how troublesome it is for a man to understand that there is “nothing to do to be,” she is no longer in the Archetypal.
She is hooked into Ordinary.
Nobody Knows
Men do not know about Archetypal Relationship.
Ordinary women do not know about Archetypal Relationship either.
When a man holds space for his woman and places his attention on his woman she shifts from human woman to Archetypal Woman and suddenly she remembers about Archetypal Relationship. As soon as she shifts to Archetypal, the Woman remembers the way to the Center of the Great Labyrinth of Spaces. She can then navigate the two of them into intimacy and teach her Man about Archetypal Relationship, while they explore the Great Labyrinth together.
It is Woman’s job to teach Man about Archetypal Relationship.
Men can learn these things; they just need to be properly rewarded.
Romance Scams and The Uninitiated Naïve
Red flags 🚩
So what constitutes a romance scam? It’s when someone claims to be romantically interested in you and takes advantage of your emotions in order to convince you to send them hard-earned money.
Here are some points to watch out for to help you avoid becoming a victim of a scam.
- Fall fast and hard - They quickly express strong feelings for you; even love
- Love is blind - They can never seem to meet in person for a real date, and blame their job, life, being abroad etc.
- They’re mysterious - They have an odd dating or social profile that doesn’t disclose much about themselves or their life
- Sweet as honey - They give you a pet name, which helps them avoid using the wrong name, as they chat to lots of people at the same time
- Bad romance - They seem to have a lot of problems going on in their life that can only be solved with your money
- Let’s take this somewhere else - They want to chat outside the dating site or app, and prefer to use text, WhatsApp or email
Dating Tips!
- Don’t be a mule! Remember, if someone asks you to hold or move money for them and you agree, you could be charged and even jailed for money muling.
- Don’t be embarrassed. If you have suspicions about your new crush, ask a friend or family member for their opinion. Unfortunately, if it feels too good to be true, it sometimes can be.
- Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. In matters of the heart, money shouldn’t come into it. If the relationship quickly develops toward financial support and dependence, protect your heart and finances and save it for someone better!
And lastly, here is a quick poem to help you remember what to do!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Don’t send strangers money,
If it's too good to be true!
Further Notes
Man is nothing. This is why when compared with a woman, a man’s ego seems so insubstantial, pretentious, and laughable because men are always instinctively torn between their psychological and biological ‘man-ness’ and Essential Man (the ‘Man of the Work’, in Gurdjieff's language). A man’s ego is a thin illusionary veneer over vast nothingness. Men’s neuroses arise from trying to be something.
Woman is everything. This is why when compared with a man, a woman’s ego seems scattered, confused, overwhelmed, and hysterical because women are caught between their psychological and biological drive to ‘exclusivity’ and their Essential Woman. Women’s neuroses arise from trying to be one particular thing, yet a woman’s ego demands that since she is everything, she must therefore control everything. This shows up as staking out her energetic and relational territories in every situation.
When a man owns his pre-primal energetic nothingness, then he has the capacity to be a space holder, like the number zero. A man can function in the world being the space through which the Bright Principles (facets of Consciousness At Large, or Archetypal Love) which he serves can do their work in the world. A mature man lives in the service of something greater than himself.
When a woman owns her pre-primal energetic everythingness, then she has the capacity to know all, be everywhere, and feel everything all at once. A woman can fill the space held by a man, in the same way that flowers, fruits and vegetables grow to fill a well-defined garden.
It is important to know that the man may need to trim back the plants in the garden of woman now and then, and a woman may need to bring the man ‘down to Earth’, here and now. It has been said that, after all, “Women are the practical ones.” R. A. Heinlein.
There are two kinds of shit. There is bullshit, which is saying things that are very, very relevant, but completely untrue. This is what men do. Then there is cowshit, which is saying things that are inescapably and undeniably true, but completely irrelevant. This is what women do.
The negative unconscious manifestation of the masculine is stupidity. The negative unconscious manifestation of the feminine is evil. (What a great combination for juicy Low Drama story-making: The stupid fly meets the evil spider! Low Drama supreme!)
When a woman cuts loose with a tirade of evil cowshit, the man’s automatic, stupid, response is to return a volley of bullshit, and vice versa. This instantly creates a Gremlin feeding-frenzy from which there is no escape but Gremlin satiation. Valuing energetic resources too much to waste in such frivolous exchanges forces an Alchemist to discover nonlinear ways to spin out of the normally inescapable vortex.
It is well known that a communication persists until it is received. If what the woman is saying is not authentically heard by the man, then she must continue to deliver it. (Men, if you are wondering why she keeps saying the same things to you over and over again, consider the possibility that it is because you have not yet heard her.) The man must learn to listen to piercing truths unerringly delivered by precise, broadband feminine perceptions, to let them in and receive the full brunt of their impact. In allowing himself to be hit by the arrows of truth, a man cannot help but get off it and die. What the Alchemist learns is the specific skill of how to ‘die daily’ and not be killed. If after unloading her full quiver of cowshit into the man’s heart the man is killed, meaning depressed, isolated, exhausted, spiteful and mean-spirited, where is the spaceholder of her life for her to make love to?
Women must choose the results they wish to create. Do they want to live with a disempowered ignorant brute or with a real man? In everyday life there is always an abundance of evidence to support either story. When one woman received the feedback that she is making her man wrong, she replies, “I am NOT making him wrong. He IS wrong! I am just pointing it out to him!”
In the same way, every man chooses who he lives with. Is she a cold-hearted, nagging mother-substitute, or is she the gateway to heaven on Earth? There will always be evidence to support either story. An Alchemist was once heard to say, “I have been living with the same woman for thirty years. Each morning I wake up, and I don’t know who she is.”
There is one way to find out what is really going on and how it works: Experiment.
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NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. Please read this website responsibly. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it. Our theory is that when we collectively build one million more Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the EXPERIMENTS earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code WOMENMEN.00 to log your earned Matrix Points on the Login Page: http://login.startover.xyz/. Thank you for playing full out!